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Xiamen International Film Technology Fair was held in Phase III of Xiamen Software Park

  On the morning of October 18, 2019, Xiamen International Film Technology and Virtual Experience & International Film Game IP Trade Fair officially opened in Golden Dolphin Square, Phase III of Xiamen Software Park.

  This 3-day event, guided by Xiamen Municipal Government and China Film Producers Association and sponsored by XMTORCH Management Committee, Jimei District Government, Xiamen Cultural Reform and Development Leading Group Office and Xiamen Convention and Exhibition Bureau, is the first supporting event of the 28th China Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival. Xiamen International Film Technology Fair is the highest-level film technology exhibition in China, and it is also the first time for Xiamen to hold such an international professional exhibition of special technology effects in films.

  In the mode of "exhibition + forum + communication + digital entertainment experience activity", this 3-day event presented rich possibilities of modern film technology, created a digital film and television carnival and built a comprehensive display platform to expand business channels in multiple dimensions and provide comprehensive solutions for the fast-growing Chinese film and television market and enterprises.

  By setting up special effect experience in green shed, simulation dubbing room, special effect devices, bio-simulation machines, natural disaster simulation devices and other film and television shooting experience scenes, Xiamen International Film Technology Fair intensively displayed advanced film and television technology such as special effect makeup, action capture, special props and special effect clothing so as to provide all-round experience of the real Hollywood blockbuster shooting atmosphere at the scene and satisfy people's whims for blockbusters. In the meantime, at the on-site VR Interactive Experience Area, the integration of human-computer interaction technology produced immersive VR interactive experience technology, immersive VR movie viewing, etc., and stage lighting, media and various technological effects brought new shock effects and on-site VR experience. In addition, VRSHOW, the first VR content realization service platform in the country, appeared in Xiamen International Film Technology Fair.

  As one of the most potential regional centers in the domestic animation and game industry, Xiamen animation enterprises actively participated in the Fair and conducted on-site exchanges with international film and television IP providers to promote the integration and development of game IPs and film and television special effects in Xiamen. During the event, the summit forum themed on "modern film technology and industrialized films", "cross-border integration of film IPs and games" and "films and derivatives (theme parks and virtual game experience)" was held as the first supporting activity of the 28th China Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival. Xiamen International Film Technology Fair not only showed Xiamen's advanced technology and rich and mature discipline supporting capabilities and the foundation of Xiamen-centered lean manufacturing industry to the world film industry, and would also help Xiamen develop into a national and even global film industry base and trading base so as to promote the development of national film technology and post-film market.


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